Submit New Notification

DirRP or Agent can submit a new notification for a restricted scheme.


Any notification submitted by an Agent on behalf of the DirRP has to be endorsed by the DirRP, and where applicable, the POA. When an Agent submits a notification, an endorsement hyperlink will be sent to the DirRP, and where applicable, the POA, to access the notification. The DirRP, and where applicable, the POA, may (a) endorse, (b) amend and endorse or (c) reject the notification. Payments for the submitted notification can only be done when the notification has been endorsed by the DirRP or, where applicable, the POA..


To submit a new notification:


   1. On the CISNet home page, click New Notification for Restricted Collective Investment Schemes.

New Notification


   2. Instructions for submitting new notification are displayed. Read the instructions carefully, then click Next.

Instructions for Submitting a New Notification


   3. Explanatory notes displayed.

Explanatory Notes


   4. Read the explanatory notes then mark the checkbox to confirm that you have read the notes.


You can only proceed to the next page if you confirm that you have read the Explanatory Notes.


Click the Print Explanatory Notes hyperlink if you want to print a copy of the Explanatory Notes.


   5. Click Next. The Notification Form for Restricted Schemes is displayed.


   6. Provide the details of the restricted scheme.

Information Details page - Information on the Restricted Scheme

Name of the restricted scheme ("the scheme")

Enter the name of the scheme.

Is the scheme a sub-fund of an umbrella fund?

Specify if the scheme is a sub-fund of an umbrella fund by selecting "Yes" or "No".

State the name of the umbrella fund

Enter the name of the umbrella fund. This field will only appear if the scheme is a sub-fund of an umbrella fund.

Is the scheme constituted in Singapore?

Specify if the scheme is constituted in Singapore by selecting "Yes" or "No".

State the jurisdiction under which the scheme is principally governed

Select from the dropdown list the jurisdiction under which the scheme is principally governed. This field will only appear if the scheme is not constituted in Singapore.

Indicate the structure of the scheme

Select the structure of the scheme. You can choose from the following structures:



If you select "Others", specify the type of structure.

Name of trustee to be appointed for the scheme

Enter the name of the Trustee to be appointed for the scheme. This field will only be activated if the scheme is constituted in Singapore.

Indicate the type of scheme

Select the type of the scheme. You can choose from the following types:



If you select "Others", specify the type of scheme.

Is the scheme closed-ended?

Specify if the scheme is closed-ended by selecting "Yes" or "No".

Total fund size of the scheme in equivalent USD - As at 31 December (of the preceding calendar year)

Enter the fund size of the scheme in equivalent USD, as at December 31 of the preceding calendar year.

Total fund size of the scheme in equivalent USD - As at a date no earlier than three months before the date of this new notification (in the case of new schemes) or amendment notification in connection with the annual declaration of this scheme (in the case of existing schemes)

Enter the fund size of the scheme in equivalent USD, as at a date that is within 3 months from the date of (i) submission of the notification (in the case of notifications submitted by DirRP) or (ii) endorsement of the notification by DirRP/POA (in the case of notifications submitted by Agent).

Amount of funds offered in Singapore in equivalent USD - As at 31 December (of the preceding calendar year)

Enter the amount of funds offered in Singapore in equivalent USD, as at December 31 of the preceding calendar year.

Amount of funds offered in Singapore in equivalent USD - As at a date no earlier than three months before the date of this new notification (in the case of new schemes) or amendment notification in connection with the annual declaration of this scheme (in the case of existing schemes)

Enter the amount of funds offered in Singapore in equivalent USD, as at a date that is within 3 months from the date of (i) submission of the notification (in the case of notifications submitted by DirRP) or (ii) endorsement of the notification by DirRP/POA (in the case of notifications submitted by Agent).

Is the scheme only offered to (i) accredited investors or (ii) accredited and institutional investors (as defined in the SFA)?

Specify if the scheme only offered to accredited investors or accredited and institutional investors by selecting "Yes" or "No".

Does the scheme invests solely in non-capital markets products (as defined in the SFA)?

Specify if the scheme invests solely in non-capital markets products by selecting "Yes" or "No".

Please attach the information memorandum for the scheme

Attach the information memorandum file for the Scheme in PDF format not exceeding 10MB.


   7. Provide the details of the Manager for the scheme.

Information Details page - Information on the Manager

Name of manager for the scheme

Enter the name of the Manager.

Address of place of business

Enter the Manager's business address.

Fax number

Enter the Manager's fax number in this format: Country Code - Area Code (if any) - Number (e.g. Singapore 65-68877701, Australia (Sydney) 61-2-90091234).

Country of incorporation of manager

Select from the dropdown list the country where the Manager is incorporated.

Is the manager currently licenced or regulated to manage the assets of the restricted scheme in the jurisdiction of its principal place of business?

Select "Yes" or "No".

Name of regulatory authority of manager

Select from the dropdown list the regulatory authority of the Manager. This field will only be activated if the answer to the preceding question is "Yes".

Please provide the licence number issued by the relevant regulatory authority

Enter the licence number issued to the Manager by the relevant regulatory authority. If the manager does not have a licence number, please leave this field blank.

Is the Manager a public company that is exempted from the requirement to hold a capital markets services licence to carry on business in fund management under paragraph 5(1)(i) of the Second Schedule of the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations?

This question will only be activated if the manager is incorporated in Singapore and is not currently licensed or regulated to conduct fund management in Singapore.

Select "Yes" or "No".

Will the manager be delegating its discretionary investment powers to another management entity (the "investment manager")?

This question will only be activated if the answer to "Is the manager currently licenced or regulated to manage the assets of the restricted scheme in the jurisdiction of its principal place of business?" is "No".

Select "Yes" or "No".


   8. Provide the information on the Custodian

Information Details page - Information on the Custodian

Will a custodian be appointed for the scheme?

Select "Yes" or "No".

Name of custodian for the scheme

Enter the Name of custodian for the scheme if the answer for "Will a custodian be appointed for the scheme?" is "Yes".

Country of incorporation of the custodian

Enter the Country of incorporation of the custodian if the answer for "Will a custodian be appointed for the scheme?" is "Yes".


   9. On the Disciplinary and Financial Record section, answer the questions by selecting "Yes" or "No" and providing relevant information (where applicable). You can provide the relevant information as PDF attachment not exceeding 10MB.

Information Details page - Disciplinary and Financial Records


   10. Complete the Declaration section.

Information Details page - Declaration

Please choose from the following 2 options

Specify if you are the DirRP or the Agent by selecting the appropriate radio button.

Details of Agent

If you are the Agent, specify the name of your organisation, your designation in the organisation and your contact details. You are also required to provide the details of the DirRP you are representing. If there is a POA to make endorsements on behalf of the DirRP’s, select “Yes” to the question “Is there a person who is authorized in writing by the director of the Responsible Person to make endorsements on his behalf?”. You are required to provide the details of the POA and attach the power of attorney from the DirRP.

Details of Director of the Responsible Person

If you are a DirRP, specify the name of your organisation, your designation in the organisation and your contact details.


Optional Email Address

Provide an additional email address for future email correspondences with the Authority.


Mark the checkbox to complete your declaration.


You can only proceed to the next page if you complete your declaration.


   11. Click Next. The information you have provided on the new notification are displayed for confirmation.

Confirmation page (Agent)

Confirmation page (Director)



Click the Print form details hyperlink to view the notification in PDF format. You are prompted with a File Download window.


   12. In the Password section (for DirRP user) or Password & Access Code section (for Agent user), create a password and access code for the scheme.


Enter a password. The password must contain (at least 1 UpperCase, 1 LowerCase, 1 Number and 1 Special Character) and must be between 12-16 characters long.

Confirm Password

Re-enter the password for confirmation.

Access Code

Enter an access code. The access code must contain (at least 1 UpperCase, 1 LowerCase, 1 Number and 1 Special Character) and must be between 8-16 characters long.


This field will only be activated if you have declared that you are an Agent. This code will be used by the DirRP, and where applicable, the POA, to access and endorse the notification submitted by the Agent.


   13. Mark the checkbox to indicate that you agree to inform the DirRP, and where applicable, the POA, about the notification of this restricted scheme. This checkbox will only appear if you have declared in the Information Details page that you are an Agent.


   14. Click Submit to confirm the details of your notification. An acknowledgement page is displayed.


If you are an Agent, an endorsement hyperlink will be sent to the DirRP, and where applicable, the POA, to access the notification. The DirRP, and where applicable, the POA, may (a) endorse, (b) amend and endorse or (c) reject the notification. You can only pay for the submitted notification after the DirRP or, where applicable, the POA, has endorsed the notification and you have received an email request from the DirRP, or where applicable, the POA, to make payment. The notification has to be endorsed within 7 days; otherwise it will be removed from CISNet and you have to submit a new notification. Click Home to return to the Main page or Submit New Notification to submit another notification.

Acknowledgement page (for Agent)


If you are a DirRP, you can click Next to proceed with the payment or Abort to cancel the submission.

Acknowledgement page (for DirRP or Authorized person for DirRP)


If you click Next, a scheme number will be issued and the amount payable is displayed. Keep the number for future reference. Click Proceed To Payment to pay the fee for the submission of the notification.

Payment Summary


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