
Payments are required for the submission of a new notification and an annual declaration notification.


DirRP can immediately proceed to make payment after he submits a notification where payment is required. Alternatively, if the notification is submitted by an Agent, the DirRP, or where applicable, the POA may:


1. proceed to make a payment after he endorses the notification; or

2. assign the Agent to pay on his behalf.


A DirRP, or where applicable, POA has to pay for the submitted notification within 7 business days from the time of submission or endorsement of these notifications.


An Agent can only make payment after the DirRP, or where applicable, the POA, has endorsed the notification and after the Agent receives an email from CISNet informing him that the DirRP, or where applicable, POA has asked him to make payment. The Agent has to make payment within 7 business days from the time the DirRP, or where applicable, the POA, endorses the notification.


A payment reminder is sent to the DirRP and Agent 2 business days before the payment timeout.


In the event that the payment attempt fails, there will be an extension of the payment period (7 business days). However, if DirRP or Agent fails to pay within the extended payment period, the notification will be invalid.


To make payments:


   1. Login to the existing Restricted Scheme. Refer to Log in to the Notification for the details.


   2. On the Pending Tasks/Messages section, click the link to proceed to payment.

Pending Tasks


   3. The Payment Summary page is displayed. Click Proceed To Payment to pay the fee for the submission of notification.


Payment Summary page



Disable your pop-up blocker OR add “” to your list of allowed sites in the pop-up blocker settings before you proceed.



You will be redirected out of CISNet after clicking on Proceed To Payment.


   4. The Payment Option Selection page is displayed in a new window. Select the preferred payment mode (i.e. AMEX or VISA/Mastercard) and provide the CAPTCHA code. You will be redirected to the Payment Details page after clicking on Proceed.

Payment Option Selection page


   5. Provide your Credit/Debit card details and Billing details (if applicable).

      For AMEX Credit/Debit Card

Name on Card

Enter the name that is reflected on the card.

Card Number

Enter the card number without the space and dash.


Enter the card's CVV/CVV2.

Expiry Date

Select from the dropdown list the month when the card will expire and indicate the year of expiry.

Email (Optional)

Enter the Email of applicant

AMEX Credit/Debit Card Payment Details page

      For VISA/Mastercard

  Name on card

  Enter Name on card

  Card Number

  Enter the card number without the space and dash.


  Enter the card's CVV/CVV2.

  Expiry Date

  Select from the dropdown list the month when the card will expire and indicate the year of expiry.

  Email (Optional)

  Enter the Email of applicant

VISA/Mastercard Credit/Debit Card Payment Details page

   6. Click Submit (for AMEX Credit/Debit Cards) or Pay (for VISA/Mastercard Credit/Debit Cards) to process your request.

   7. You are then redirected to CISNet's Payment Receipt page with your transaction reference number and total amount paid. You may print or save the details of the transaction, then click Close Window to close the Payment Receipt window.



If you are not redirected within 2 minutes, click the Continue with e-Service button.

Redirection message

Transaction Payment Receipt page


Click the Print Receipt hyperlink if you want to print a copy of the transaction receipt.


   8. Upon closing the Payment Receipt window, you will see a Payment Summary page.

Payment Summary page for Annual Declaration